Renowned Jöro in Sheffield gets rave re...

Jöro pronounced ‘Yoro’ simply translates to “Earth” in old Norse language. The concept of this new restaurant is ‘a meal made of many small plates’ has expanded from a shipping container in Sheffield’s Kelham Island, to a larger restaurant space in the city’s Oughtibridge paper Mill.  Owner and chef Luke French and partner Stacey Sherwood-French’s […]

Cutlery Works Sheffield - Kelham Island ...

Everything you need to know about Cutlery Works Sheffield – Kelham Island  What to expect | Food Traders | Events | Workspace | Opening Times | Book Table | Address What to expect Sheffield’s Cutlery Works food hall opened in November 2018 and had a hugely successful first year. The 14,000 sq ft Rutland Cutlery Works building in Kelham Island is a huge hive of food […]

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